About Hills Harmony
Hills Harmony is a group of highly enthusiastic men based in the Hills District, northwest of Sydney. We come from all walks of life and age groups with our common interest being a love of acapella singing in four part Harmony in the Barbershop style.
As well as performing regularly at local community events, we compete in local, national and international competitions with other groups from all over Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Our repertoire is wide and varied and includes both traditional and contemporary songs.

In recent years, we've competed in Adelaide, Sydney, Newcastle and Hobart and internationally in Christchurch New Zealand.
Having achieving success not only at local and regional level, but also on the National Stage where, in 2017, we performed with high commendation in our national competition in Adelaide and in previous years have been awarded the Small Chorus Champions Trophies and the Audience Favourite Award, Hills Harmony is now considered one of the better small chorus male barbershop groups in Australia.
These achievements are all the more notable when it is noted that with just 12-16 men, we regularly finish ahead of other groups with up to 60 singers. We work hard to ensure this trend continues.
The chorus regularly imports specialist coaches to assist with our rehearsals to ensure our performances are to the highest standard possible.

It is not only singing and competition however, we also have a very strong social side to our Chorus with regular gatherings with family and friends.
As well as performing regularly at local community events, we compete in local, national and international competitions with other groups from all over Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Our repertoire is wide and varied and includes both traditional and contemporary songs.

Having achieving success not only at local and regional level, but also on the National Stage where, in 2017, we performed with high commendation in our national competition in Adelaide and in previous years have been awarded the Small Chorus Champions Trophies and the Audience Favourite Award, Hills Harmony is now considered one of the better small chorus male barbershop groups in Australia.
These achievements are all the more notable when it is noted that with just 12-16 men, we regularly finish ahead of other groups with up to 60 singers. We work hard to ensure this trend continues.
The chorus regularly imports specialist coaches to assist with our rehearsals to ensure our performances are to the highest standard possible.
It is not only singing and competition however, we also have a very strong social side to our Chorus with regular gatherings with family and friends.